Mommy Lost Her Handgun!

Mommy Lost Her Handgun! boardgame.
Mommy Lost Her Handgun! boardgame.
Mommy Lost Her Handgun! boardgame.
Mommy Lost Her Handgun!, 2020

Mommy can't find her handgun anywhere. Lucky her, the kids were listening in! Play as one of six siblings in this Clue-spoof board game. The gun is in one of 24 random locations in the house, represented by a card from the deck hidden from all players view. Each sibling recieves cards showing locations where the gun is known not to be. With this information, they compete to find the hidden location. But look out, because Mommy is still wandering the house. The first to find the gun and return to the center without an incident is the winner!

Laser-cut chipboard and plexiglass, color prints, spray adhesive, dice

12" x 6" x 2"

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