Fractured Corridors

Mommy Lost Her Handgun! boardgame.
Mommy Lost Her Handgun! boardgame.
Mommy Lost Her Handgun! boardgame.
Mommy Lost Her Handgun! boardgame.
Mommy Lost Her Handgun! boardgame.
Fractured Corridors, 2019

The concept of "self" is one that is constantly changing and adapting within every individual. People create and edit different versions of themselves to suit different environments. This could be as simple as acting more polite or daring when around a love interest and more carefree with friends. It could also become as complex as completely separate "selves" created by an individual for the purpose of survival in stressful or dangerous situations that one may have constant exposure to. We constantly edit our personalities, our sense of morality, and our overall temperament to suit the needs of the reality we find ourselves in and it is common for any person to have a "micro-self" for every space that they inhabit so that they can navigate that space in the most efficient way that they can. I've found myself asking where these selves go when they are no longer needed; when the space that they were edited for is no longer occupied by the individual. More specifically, I wonder what happens when multiple selves lose their purpose simultaneously, and how they manifest inside an individual whose entire life may have functioned around their being intact. For this, I have created a space containing a collapse of the self. A space that is unstable, ephemeral and that contains a wide spectrum of possibility for the reorganization of broken pieces of the psyche.

Built in Maya, Substance Painter, and Unreal Engine 4 with sound editing in Audacity

Download for Windows

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